The Hope Part VI
Jesus Christ, THE Hope.
In Part V we read about many fantastic Old Testament believers. Some have
called Hebrews chapter 11 the "Believers Hall of Fame". And yet they did not
live to see the first coming of Jesus Christ and they died before seeing the
city "whose builder and maker is God" and paradise restored on earth.
What enabled these men and women to stand and believe was due in large part to how strongly
the knowledge of the hope lived in their hearts and minds. For believers after
the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2, those of us who are born again of
God's holy spirit, we should not only be knowledgeable of all that the Old
Testament believers knew, but of the details of the hope of Christ's return
that pertain specifically to the born again believers.
In the Bible there are dispensations, or administrations. Man's history has
the stone, bronze and iron ages. God has His dispensations (or administrations):
The fifth administration, which is referred to as the Great Mystery, or Age of
Grace, was not known by man until it was revealed unto the apostle Paul sometime during the first century.
Therefore, the Old Testament believers' perspective was that once Jesus Christ
was born and had carried out his ministry, which included his death and
resurrection, things would soon move into the re-establishing of Paradise, the
new Jerusalem and city of God, and the new heaven and earth.
This is very apparent in Acts chapter one when Jesus Christ, in his resurrected
body, had a conversation with his apostles just before his ascension.
The apostles were very unique in many ways. They lived in the Law, Christ, and Grace
Administrations. As young men they were raised to look for the coming redeemer and they ended up becoming
his apostles! They also believed that the son of God would re-establish
the kingdom in Israel, with Jesus Christ as king, once he had been resurrected.
On the day of the ascension Jesus Christ was giving last minute instructions to
his apostles, and they asked him a question:
Little known by the apostles, who were perhaps expecting an immediate
restoration to the kingdom of Israel, Jesus Christ was preparing them for other
things. In verse 3 we learn that during the 40 days between his resurrection and
the ascension he instructed them regarding the kingdom of God, not just Israel.
The apostles are being told to wait at Jerusalem where they will be baptized
with holy spirit. That is exactly what happened in Acts 2:4, which began the
Churchof the Body that exists still today.
The baptism of holy spirit is a greater baptism than that of John the Baptist, which was
water. Baptism is a cleansing, a spiritual wholeness where we identify with Jesus Christ.
This was the focus for the apostles, not the kingdom of Israel. Something new
was being added to their understanding, which would be later revealed in full
to the apostle Paul.
The Grace Administration, which had been "hid in God", was about to begin with the giving of the new birth in Acts 2.
Something more was being added to the
great realities of Hope as had been understood. Not only was there the promises
of eternal life, a new heaven and earth, blessings for our faithfulness here on
earth, but something new and bigger was about to become center stage:
We will take a closer look at the hope as it pertains to those of us today, living
in this administration of the Great Mystery.
It is understandable that the apostles were a bit surprised in Acts 1:9, having just
witnessed the ascension of Jesus Christ. They had been through a lot! They spent
a little over a year with the Son of God, watching the signs, miracles and wonders
that he did. They saw their Lord crucified, then raised from the dead, and were
with him while he was in his resurrected body. Now he just "up and leaves" (literally)
while they were asking about restoring the kingdom to Israel.
However, God does not leave his people without hope!
Jesus Christ is coming back, and for those of us today who are born again there
are many wonderful truths of this hope for us to learn and rejoice in!