What Is A Christian? Part V
Before we look at how to obtain Christ-in-you, the new birth spirit, which then
makes one a Christian, I would like to point out that simply obtaining this
spirit of God and then going no further with it is not God's primary will:
God desires for all men to be saved. Will everyone choose to be? No. But that
is His desire. For those who do choose to be saved, He desires that they come
unto a "knowledge of the truth."
This word "knowledge" is the Greek word epignosis, which means "a precise
or further knowledge, a thorough acquaintance with; true knowledge".
God does not want us just to be saved, which is a spiritual event; He wants us
to come unto a full and precise knowledge of the truth, His Word. This requires
a learning effort.
There are many people in the world who have become Christian but have not had
access to a full and precise knowledge of His Word, or they simply do not bother
to learn it. Subsequently they do not believe to evidence the greatness and
power of what they have on the inside out into their lives and daily living.
As you will recall, Adam and Eve were formed, made, and created. They had body,
soul, and spirit. If this is true then why does man today need to be saved?
Why does man need to (re)acquire the spirit of God?
To answer this we must go back to Genesis. When God was finished forming,
making, and creating Adam and Eve, He then gave them a mandate:
Man was second only to God. Why? Because he had the spirit of God, which was
his direct communication to Him, and this was what separated him out from the
animal kingdom, who were only body and soul.
Man had only one restriction:
When God says "in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die", that
means "that day you will die, for sure". Not tomorrow, not next year, but
that very day. What part of Adam and Eve died, for they lived many more
years after the original sin? It wasn't their body or soul; their death was a
spiritual one. They lost that spirit of God. The results of their disobedience
to God was catastrophic, not just for themselves but for their progeny, which
just happened to be every human being.
They had no connection to God and were now limited to information gathered by
their five senses; their bloodstream was now tainted; sin now existed on earth;
the fruit of the earth now had thorns and thistles; and instead of walking in
confidence and power, they now walked in fear:
There was now a gulf, a void, a chasm, that existed between God and man. Man's
spiritual connection was now gone. Man was now reduced to just body and soul,
living by what we would today call "trial and error", or "the school of hard
However, God did not give up on man. Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve in
the garden of Eden, God worked to bring about the reconciliation, the
reconnection, between Him and man -- to span this chasm separating God
and man.