Where Does God Live?
From the beginning God has longed for a home. Before the day of Pentecost in
Acts 2, in order to communicate with His people, God instructed two dwelling
places to be built for Him: the Tabernacle in the wilderness under Moses, and the
Temple in Jerusalem under Solomon. But Solomon knew, "Behold, heaven and the
heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house which I have
built!" (II Chronicles 6:18b).
Jesus Christ was God's final, redeeming sacrifice. His resurrection and
ascension, followed by the outpouring of the holy spirit, ushered in a new way
to worship and a new dwelling place for God. On the day of Pentecost God began
to dwell in a habitation more suitable to His intimate and loving heart. The
born-again believers became God's home and members of His household.
Today the Tabernacle in the wilderness is gone, as is Solomon's temple. Gone is
the need to worship at an altar or in a building made by men's hands. The believers
in the first century, following the outpouring of the holy spirit in Acts 2,
began to fellowship in the home and to learn how to put this holy spirit to use.
God put all of His fulness, all that He could give, into His only begotten son.
Yet God did not stop there. The fulness of God in Christ is in the born-again
believer because the believer now has the spirit of God, the new birth, Christ
in them. This son or daughter of God, now in God's family and household, is the
dwelling place of the Most High!
Since Genesis God has wanted to fellowship with man. Philosophers ponder the
meaning of life, the world, and of man. The purpose of the Earth is for man
to have a home, and the purpose of man is to fellowship with his Heavenly Father.
Deuteronomy 32:9, "For the LORD'S portion is his people".
We do not need to pray to statues or amulets, or ask permission from a priest or any other man
in order to fellowship with our Father. We must come boldly, without fear, to
Him and claim the promises of His Word in our lives so that we are walking in
fellowship with Him and our brother, Jesus Christ.
Since it is God in Christ in us, since we are God's dwelling place, His
habitation, it behooves us to focus on our spiritual life and tap into the
fulness and abundance of life that God desires for His family.